From the beginning, 'the position of Peter in the Church is that of a rock on which its edifice is built' (Pope Paul VI 1965) When we consider Peter and the Church, it is easy to apply the words of Christ himself, 'rain fell and floods came, and wind blew and beat upon that house, but it did not fall' The rains, floods and wind continue in different guises but the Church is built on a Rock - the Rock of Peter.
St Paul at the moment of his conversion, asked, 'What must I do, Lord?' Jesus replied, 'Rise and go to Damascus, and there you will be told all that is appointed to you to do.' Paul, once the persecutor, as soon as he is transformed by grace received instruction and Baptism from Ananias. Very soon Paul realises that Christ is all that matters and soon gives himself immediately to making the Good News known far and wide.
Today let us pray for the successor of St Peter, Pope Benedict and let us ask Our Blessed Lady, Regina Apostolorum, to help each of us in our daily apostolate.