Wednesday 28 December 2011

Thou art a priest for ever . . .

As promised, here is a photo of the newly refurbished grave of Fr Edward Dockery, the first Priest-in-Charge of St Ann's parish.

I do think it is a great improvement on the rather neglected-looking grave I visited a few weeks ago. I hope you agree.

Please do pop into All Saints' Churchyard next time you're in Banstead village and pay your respects to Fr Dockery and say a prayer for him. May he rest in peace.

Saturday 24 December 2011

The Word became flesh . . .

The Word became flesh.’

God became man; He came to live among us. God is never far away, He is ‘Emmanuel’, God-with-us. God is not a stranger, He has a face and this is the face of Jesus.

God is faithful, He does not change. The event of the Incarnation occurred in history but at the same time transcends history. Belief in the God who desired to share our human history continually encourages us in our own commitment to the history, in spite of its contradictions.

May the light of Christmas shine forth afresh this year and may the Infant of Bethlehem bless each of you.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Latin is sooooo hard to learn . . .

I was very taken with this post by Mulier Fortis, I thought I'd share it with you.

Quite often one hears the comment when discussing Mass settings, choice of music etc. 'Oh, but Latin is so difficult for our young people to learn.' 'They aren't used to it'. 'They don't learn it in school any more' and so on . . .

Well, here is a delightful clip of a very gifted young man, just four years old, singing the Salve Regina and obviously enjoying it too.

See and hear for yourself here. Well done Edward! We look forward to your rendition of the Alma Redemptoris Mater very soon!

Monday 5 December 2011

More Confessions . . .

Having a had a super week in our parish primary school, I have today been privileged to assist with Confessions at The John Fisher School in Purley.

I received a very warm welcome from the school Chaplain, Fr James Clark and Mr Dan Cooper.

It was lovely to see so many of St Ann's boys in the school grounds as I walked through to the school chapel .

In past years, The John Fisher School has helped sow and nurture the seeds of many vocations, including several priests from our own diocese.

Let us all continue to pray for vocations.

St John Vianney, pray for us . . .

Friday 2 December 2011

Let the Little Children Come to Me . . .

'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'
(Matthew 19:14)

Hooray! I have this week confessed all the children in Years 4, 5 and 6 in our parish school, and as always, what a delight it has been to do so.

Our children are now ready for Our Lord's coming at Christmas.

For those parishioners whose school days are but a dim and distant memory, (and those in between!) you may like to know that our parish Advent Penitential Service is on Wednesday 7th December at 7.30pm in St Ann's Church. All are welcome, not just our own parishioners.

There will be a short liturgy including an examination of conscience, followed by an opportunity for individual Confession. I will be assisted by several other priests from our Deanery. I hope many of you will follow the excellent example of our children and use this chance to prepare well for the feast of Christmas.