Showing posts with label Anglican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anglican. Show all posts

Monday, 8 November 2010

'Come and See' - Robin Farrow . . .

We had another very successful and enjoyable evening last night, the second in our 'Come and See' programme. Once again, I would say we had in the region of 40 people present including a few newcomers.

We are very grateful to Robin Farrow, a man of great integrity, for telling us in such an interesting and honest way about his own personal journey to Full Communion with the Catholic Church.

A former Anglican Rector in a parish in East Sussex, Robin's talk gave rise to quite a prolonged question and answer session. I think many of the 'Catholic' practices Robin described when telling us about his background in the Anglican church would have come as a surprise to some parishioners present.

We were delighted too that Robin's wife, Caroline, and their family were also able to join us. Naturally making such a momentous decision would have been impossible for Robin without the full support of his wife.

Please keep Robin and his family in your prayers as they bravely put out into the deep. They have only recently moved out of the Rectory and one of Robin's first priorities will be to find a job.

Our next and final 'Come and See' evening will be on

Sunday 21st November from 7pm to 8pm.

We are delighted that Joanna Bogle, the well-known Catholic writer and broadcaster has agreed to come and talk to us. The theme of her talk will be 'Coming Home'.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Laudetur Jesus Christus . . .

I'm lost for words . . . What fantastic news! It seems to be on every street corner.

The Holy Father has opened the gates to warmly welcome those Anglicans who wish to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.

You can read the full text of the joint statement from Archbishop Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Rowan Williams here and the text of the statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith here.