Showing posts with label Flower arrangers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flower arrangers. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Easter preparations - What a transformation . . . !

After the very prayerful Office of Readings this morning, containing such beautiful readings, in a bare and 'empty' church, our flower arrangers bustled into action.

What a transformation!  I have said it before but it needs to be said often; we are blessed to have such gifted parishioners who are willing to give their time and use their talents for the glory of God in this way.  I am very grateful to you all.

 Flowers for Our Lady . . .
 Just look at the Paschal Candle stand!  A really fitting receptacle for such an important part of this evening's liturgy
 One of two magnificent pedestals either side of the altar
Two of our talented flower arrangers who happened to be available for a photo call this morning.  Well done ladies!

More photos later . . .