Sunday 15 August 2010

Assumpta est Maria in Caelum, gaudent Angeli! Et Gaudet Ecclesia!

Assumpta est Maria in Caelum, gaudent Angeli! Et gaudet Ecclesia!

From the fifth century the Church has implicitly believed in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, body and soul, into heaven. The dogma of the Assumption was promulgated by Pope Pius XII on 1st November 1950.

Mary's Assumption is a marvellous precursor of our own resurrection; it is made possible by Christ's own rising from the dead. St Paul reminds us, 'He will transfigure our lowly body, making it like his own body, radiant in glory' (Phil 3:21)

Our late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, speaking about today's Solemnity says, 'Today's Solemnity is like a continuation of Easter, the Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord. It is at the same time, a sign and source of hope for eternal life and the future resurrection.'

Our Blessed Lady is a great advocate before the throne of God. May we ask her today; Mary, Refuge of Sinners, show us your son Jesus whom we are in need of above all else.

'Today the Virgin Mother of God is taken up into heaven to be the beginning and pattern of the Church in its perfection, and a sign of hope and comfort for your people on their pilgrim way.' (Preface of the Assumption).

Wednesday 4 August 2010

St Jean-Marie Vianney . . .

Benediction with the monstrance used by St Jean Vianney

Dear Jesus, we thank you for the joy and happiness
brought to us by the Most Holy Eucharist.
Come and slake our thirst, satisfy our hunger.
Deepen our desire to receive you in this Sacrament of your Love,
so that we might become one with you for ever.

Today we keep the memorial of St Jean-Marie Vianney. He was born near Lyons in 1786 and from an early age wanted to become a priest.

After his ordination in 1815 he was sent to the village of Ars and was Parish Priest there for forty years.

He was most noted for his great love and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. As a Spiritual Director he attracted big numbers and spent many hours in the confessional.

He was canonised in 1925 by Pope Pius XI and declared Patron of Parish Priests.

St Jean Vianney's confessional.

Lord God, we thank you for the beauty and grace
of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Give us deeper faith in the power of this sacrament
to purify and renew our soul,
and grant us greater confidence in your boundless mercy.