Showing posts with label the Sacraments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Sacraments. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Reception of Holy Communion . . .

I am very grateful to Fr Allan McDonald at 'Southern Orders' for posting these videos on the Reception of Holy Communion.

While this young man's approach to his subject may appear to be a little 'over the top' one can't fault his enthusiasm and his teaching is certainly sound.

Permission to receive Holy Communion in the hand is an indult and not an obligation, and as such may be rescinded at any time.

We have many people in the parish who receive Holy Communion in the hand and many who receive on the tongue.

I am very happy for Holy Communion to be received in either way but whichever method you choose to adopt, the most important thing is that it should done 'reverently'. Reverence is the key word in both of these videos.