Holy Saturday is always a very busy day in any parish - and St Ann's is no exception. We started the day with the Office of Readings which is a wonderful prayerful way to begin this day of 'waiting'.
Afterwards, the church is invaded by numerous volunteers who all come together to decorate the church and transform it from its solemn, sombre state to a place of joyful beauty ready to greet our Risen Lord at the Easter Vigil.
Here you can see just a few of our parishioners who were busy both inside and outside St Ann's yesterday.

Here are just a few shots taken after Mass this morning. The church is looking beautiful. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make sure our church looked her best for this great Feast of Easter. Thanks too to everyone who really pulled out all the stops for the Triduum. The list is endless but YOU know who you are and I am very very grateful to you all.

Happy Easter everyone - Christ is risen, Alleluia!