'Let us all rejoice in the Lord and keep a festival in honour of all the saints.
Let us join with the angels in joyful praise to the Son of God.' (Entrance Antiphon)
On this feast of All Saints we rejoice and ask the intercession of 'the huge number, impossible to count' who have reached heaven. They strove to practice the Beatitudes which Our Lord sets before us in today's Gospel.
Each year the Church recognises many saints of every age; as we have recourse to them we ask their intercession for our many needs.
It is a source of comfort to realise that people with whom we talked and spent time with are now contemplating the face of God. We continue to be united to them through the Communion of Saints.
Today we make St Teresa's prayer our own:
'O holy ones who knew how to prepare so delightful an inheritance, help us now that you are so near the fount of all holiness. Draw water for those of us who are perishing of thirst.'
1 comment:
A very uplifting Mass today for a very uplifting Feast. Thank you, Fr Miceal
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