Hooray for the Emerald Isle!
An online journal of parish events
Hooray for the Emerald Isle!
We have many people in the parish who receive Holy Communion in the hand and many who receive on the tongue.
I am very happy for Holy Communion to be received in either way but whichever method you choose to adopt, the most important thing is that it should done 'reverently'. Reverence is the key word in both of these videos.
The ashes we receive symbolise death and remind us of our own mortality and judgement, requesting us to look again at our lives and cleanse ourselves of our sins so that we may be prepared to face the final judgement.
The wearing of ashes is also a sign of humility before God and our neighbour. Ashes on our forehead is a visible reminder, both to ourselves and others, of our sinful nature and our need for God's forgiveness.
The wearing of ashes, this outward sign, is meaningless unless it is accompanied by true and sincere sorrow for our sins.
The prophet Joel says:
'Yet even now, says the Lord,
return to me with all your heart,
with fasting, weeping and with mourning;
rend your hearts and not your clothes.
Return to the Lord, your God,
for he is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, rich in mercy.'
I am very grateful to our social committee who worked hard to give us a delicious lunch. They were in the parish hall all morning setting up and decorating the tables and I know they also spent time shopping for ingredients and preparing the food at home. Thank you all very much.
This excellent booklet looks at many difficult questions often asked about our faith, both by Catholics and those of other faiths or of no faith at all.
The authors respond positively to questions about the existence of God, about science and faith, the Bible, the Church and the Sacraments and morality.
I highly recommend this little booklet to you. It's available from the Catholic Truth Society at just £2.95.
Times for Confession at St Ann's are:
Saturday: 10.30 am - 11.30 am
5.00 pm - 6.00 pm
After each Mass on the first Sunday of the month
Next time we'll look at the practicalities - that is, how to go to Confession.
2. A personal meeting with the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.
3. Meeting and conversations with the various departments of the Roman Curia (the administrative offices of the Holy See)