Sunday, 9 May 2010

First Holy Communions - Week One . . .

This morning at the 10am Mass 15 of our children made their First Holy Communion.

It was a beautiful Mass. The children were a credit to their families, their catechists and their parish! They had obviously listened to the reminders about reverence in church and the importance of the occasion. A lot of people worked hard to make the liturgy so special; our altar servers, our flower arrangers and our musicians in particular. I must give a special mention to two of our younger choir members who sang solos beautifully.

A group photo of all the children was taken after Mass and I hope to be able to post it as soon as we have made sure there are no objections from any of our parents.

Meanwhile, here is an unusual shot to which I hope no one can object.

Please pray for all our children and their families that they will remember the joy of this special occasion and stay close to the Lord throughout their lives.
Our Lady, Cause of Our Joy, pray for us.


Anonymous said...

Why such an odd picture??

St Ann's Parish said...

We do hope to publish a photo of the children which is recognisable but we must first make sure that no one has any objections.