Monday, 25 October 2010

They Came and They Saw . . .

We had a very good turnout for the first of our 'Come and See' evenings last night. Mainly our regular parishioners but there were one or two unfamiliar faces dotted around amongst them.

Fr Andrew invited us to look at the idea of ''happiness" as presented to us via the advertising industry. In a very interesting and at times amusing way, he drew our attention to the link, or lack of it, between the secular world's understanding of happiness and that of the religious world and how this has changed throughout history.

His short talk was followed by quite a lengthy question and answer session over tea and biscuits. He obviously gave us plenty to think about.

We look forward to our next 'Come and See' session on Sunday 7th November when Robin Farrow will talk to us about his journey from Anglican Vicar to Catholic layman.

These evenings are open to all Catholics, not just those who may have been distanced from the practice of their faith for a while. Do please come along even if you are not accompanying one of our inactive Catholic friends.

Our Lady, Help of Christians,
Pray for us.

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