I wonder how many of our parishioners read the Catholic papers regularly or follow Catholic news on various websites and blogs; or do we rely on the secular media for coverage of what is happening in the Catholic Church - BBC/ITV/Sky/ news etc. on TV, or the radio?
A look at the front cover of the Catholic Herald this week (other Catholic newspapers are available!) gives us an idea of some of the important things that are happening in the Catholic Church at the moment and many of them will have a direct impact on all of us.
The new translation of the Missal is now ready and we will be learning more about that soon. I will be joining other clergy from our diocese next month for a study day looking at the new translation and will be able to tell you more about it after that. We do know that it will be available for use in parishes in England and Wales from September of this year.
I hope that you will take this opportunity to discover why certain changes have been made to the translation of the Mass that we are now so familiar with so do please look out for any articles in the press or news in our own parish.
I'm sure it will take a little while for us (myself included) to get used to a new form of words. Some changes will be slight and others more pronounced but there will be plenty of explanations nearer the time.
Another news item that dominates this weekends' papers is the proposed Beatification of Pope John Paul II. A cause dear to many people's hearts, I'm sure.
Finally, the third item that struck me in the news is the establishment of the new Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham for former Anglicans who wish to enter into Full Communion with the Catholic Church whilst still retaining some of their Anglican patrimony. I'm sure you will all have heard of the Ordination to the priesthood of three former Anglican Bishops at Westminster Cathedral recently. One of these three priests, Fr Keith Newton, has been appointed Ordinary of the new Ordinariate.
So, there is lots to read, think and talk about for all us. I expect the Catholic papers to be all sold out pretty soon this weekend!