Monday, 10 January 2011

A fascinating evening . . .

We are very grateful to Neil Slattery who stepped in at the last moment to talk to us about the work of St Patrick's Mission, in place of John Pridmore who unfortunately was unable to speak at St Ann's on Saturday evening due to illness.

Neil, who works closely with John, touring with him and assisting in giving talks to schools and parishes, gave us a fascinating talk about his own experiences and conversion story. Throughout his testimony, he mentioned several incidents which brought him back to the practice of his faith.

The catalyst was the sudden, serious illness and hospitalisation of his father. Through contact with family members in Ireland and the constant support and prayers of his mother, John told a moving story of the acknowledgement of his own mistakes and how, through prayer, especially invoking the help our Our Blessed Lady, he came to know Jesus as Lord.

Neil's talk was enthusiastically received by the large number of people who were present and we all look forward to welcoming John Pridmore himself to speak to us at St Ann's at a later date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Neil Slattery spoke powerfully on the need for Confession the improtance of Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! It was a wonderful witness of faith and love of Our Lord.

John Pridmore's book from Gangland to Promise Land which was on sales is a book that you cannot put down once you start reading it. Truly inspirational.

Thank you Father for a great talk in the parish!