We at St Ann's are beginning to get quite excited about using the new translation of the Missal.
As we know, the new translation will be used in all parishes in England and Wales from September of this year.
Here at St Ann's we are beginning to look at some of the texts already, concentrating on the people's responses at the moment so that it won't be a big shock to us when we begin using the new translation.
Most of the changes are quite minor but it's surprising what a wealth of meaning can be added to the familiar texts by just a few changes and how much it will enhance our liturgy.
Today, I was looking at an interesting article on the new CTS blog 'Catholic Compass'. (This is definitely a site worth adding to your bookmarks). The item I refer to is a description of the proposed cover for the new Missal and an explanation of the reasons why this particular design has been chosen.
"The cross which is the centrepiece of the design has been designed to communicate the continuity but also the differences with the 1970 translation of the Mass. The cross is the same shape as that used on the previous Liturgical Books but is more complex, laden with symbolism and hopefully more beautiful, encapsulating some of the aims of the new text. The cross also aims to represents something of the ancient character of the texts contained and the liturgy celebrated using the Missal."
You can read about it
It certainly is a beautiful Missal and will look very fitting on our altar. I think you could say that we are now eagerly awaiting it's arrival.
Looking at the main CTS website it appears that the new Missal will become available in progressive stages.
Firstly, in June of this year, the Order of Mass will be available in several forms including pew cards so that we can all become familiar with the revised texts.
Then the Altar Missal will be available in two stages. The initial version will contain the texts necessary for the priest to celebrate Mass from September to Advent 2011.
Finally, from Advent 2011 the rest of the texts will be in use and available to all, including people's Missals.
I hope many of you will be including a new Missal on your Christmas list this year!