Sunday, 13 December 2009

Sing, Choirs of Angels . . .

Our choir stayed behind after Mass today to make a recording of Schubert's 'Ave Maria'. Our parish secretary also stayed behind to take a few photos which I've just received so I thought you might like to see a few of them.

Our choir has been practising this piece for some time and when they first sang it at Mass a little while ago, there was a marvellous response - you could have heard a pin drop after the last notes had died away.

Now, we're all waiting eagerly to hear the results of today's recording session.

By the way, I know our musical director is always delighted to welcome new members to our choir. You don't need to be an expert, so I'm told; the main qualities needed are enthusiasm and a love of singing.


Flick Saunders said...

What fun we had - but concentrated work! David, our recording agent, was very helpful and most encouraging. Outside noises, shuffles within the church, missed entries all took their toll and as time went by, we all felt the 'pressure' somewhat - how many times could we manage to be note perfect? But after a short break and some fresh air, by the fourth or was it the fifth recording, we felt we 'had a wrap'. The recording is now being 'mixed' and then we will have a master CD from which we can take copies. We eagerly await the final result! Many thanks to the generous parishioner who funded this venture.

Cindy said...

What an appropriate Sunday to have all that joyful singing!

'X Factor', eat your heart out; or should it be 'St Ann's Has Got Talent!

Maria said...

The Schubert Ave Maria is a really beautiful piece, and is a great pleasure to sing. I think everyone in the choir loves singing it. The CD is eagerly awaited.