Friday, 15 October 2010

Banstead Catholics Come Home, 'Come and See' - A little reminder . . .

I hope you all have a big red circle on your calendar around Sunday 24th October, the beginning of our 'Come and See' initiative.

Please do invite someone you know along to our 'Come and See' evenings; to hear speakers talking about their faith and to have a chat with other parishioners in a very informal setting.

I expect many of us know someone who has become distanced from the practice of their faith; a Catholic friend maybe, a Catholic neighbour or even a member of our own family. This is an opportunity to encourage them to 'Come and See'; to reacquaint themselves with their faith in a social setting in the company of friends.

We have been very fortunate in that Fr Andrew Pinsent has kindly agreed to come and talk to us on Sunday 24th October. Fr Pinsent is co-author with Fr Marcus Holden of Evangelium, a multimedia course on the Catholic Faith. He will talk to us about 'What makes us happy?'

On Sunday 7th November we are delighted to welcome Robin Farrow, a former Anglican Vicar recently received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church, who will talk to us about his own faith journey.

We will also be meeting on Sunday 21st November.

Just in case you'd like to refresh your memory, you'll find a few reasons for Coming Back to the Church here and here.

I look forward to welcoming you on . . .

Sunday 24th October

Sunday 7th November

Sunday 21st November

7pm - 8pm: St Ann's Parish Hall, Banstead


St John's, Horsham said...

Fr Miceal, I wish you very very well with this superb initiative. In fact, I will be watching carefully to see how effective your excellent ideas are ... and may well end up copying them! If you're interested, do look on our parish blog at the Real Presence Programme(right side bar) which is a similar initiative but aimed at informing practising Catholics. We urgently NEED ways of attracting people back to the practise of their faith. Thank you and well done!

Flick Saunders said...

There are now full details on the local Guardian newspaper in the events section and on their website.

Let's hope and more importantly pray that not only will our parishioners be able to encourage friends/family to come to the talks but that maybe someone 'out there' may see the notice and respond to the invitation to 'come home'.

Anonymous said...

Will remember you and your project in Mass tomorrow, 24th, Hope all goes well.

St John's, Horsham said...

Fr Miceal,

Still praying ... and hoping that tonight will be a key moment in the life of your parish. i remembered you all at Mass.

St Ann's Parish said...

Thank you all very much for your prayers. I entrust our initiative to the intercession of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom.