Sunday 20 March 2016

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord . . .

It is a busy weekend at St Ann's with the visit of the travelling Icon and Palm Sunday.

A busy weekend and a joyful one as we celebrate Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, cheered on by palm-waving crowds.

We had our own version, on a somewhat smaller scale, of that palm strewn procession today at the 10am Mass.

Christ wouldn't have had to negotiate his way around parked cars but there would I'm sure have been other obstacles in his path as he made his way on that donkey through the streets of Jerusalem.

Here are a few photos of our procession this morning.  You'll find more on our Flickr stream here.

Gathering in the hall for the blessing of palms and the reading of the Gospel before we begin to process around the church.

The procession weaves its way around our beautiful magnolia which looks as if it will be in full bloom just in time for Easter Sunday.

And back into church to join those who were unable to join the procession. 

And Mass begins.

NB. As usual, for clearer and larger images, please click on the individual photo.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Dear Fr. Miceal

Thank you for the photos.

St Ann's always proves to be,a place where many things are planned and much is achieved!

The Icon of Our Lady of Consolation is beautiful and has surely had a lasting effect on many.What an amazing idea and may our Bishop Richard, be thanked for his part in the sharing of this wonderful image of Our Lady!

A belated happy St Patrick's day to all our Irish family whilst looking forward to Easter!