Thursday, 20 August 2009

Liturgical colours . . .

A little while ago I posted a video from iPadre describing the vestments worn by a priest and the symbolism of each garment. Some of you may have missed this earlier video and others of you may like to refresh your memories by following the link here.

Here is another excellent video from the same source in which Fr Finelli explains why different colours are used in the Church at different times in the liturgical year.

I hope you find it helpful.


Khoi said...

Thank you for posting the video on your blog.

Khoi said...

I would like to mention that the other blogs and websites that are displayed on your blog are very useful. They give valuable information.

In one of the websites I read that a Mass for the feast of St Josemaría Escrivá had been celebrated in Nhà Thờ Đ ức Bà, the Our Lady Cathedral in Saigon.
I haven't been there for many years...