Monday, 3 August 2009

Demolition - Day One . . .

In days gone by, there was a flourishing Scout Group in the parish. Sadly, however, gradually over recent years the numbers in the various groups have dwindled and when I arrived in the parish, Scouting had ceased in the parish.

It can't have escaped your notice that the building was in a sorry state and indeed many have commented on the condition of the Scout Hut and it's 'tilt'! After much discussion, and having reached the conclusion that the Hut was beyond economical repair, it was decided to demolish it, and work began today.

We hope to replace it in the not too distant future with meeting rooms for small parish groups which is something that the parish lacks and is sorely needed.

Here are a few photos of day one - more to follow later.

1 comment:

Maria said...


Looking at the first day of demolition,things seem sad!Yet there are always blessings as hidden as they may be,which unfold with time! If only we could demolish the weakened areas of our lives and souls, we would surely rebuild a place where all could come and feel at home!
God bless and keep you all!