Our salvation, when heaven came down to earth.
A very Happy Christmas to all who follow our parish blog.
An online journal of parish events
A very Happy Christmas to all who follow our parish blog.
Another delightful event took place at the end of the same Mass this morning. The youngest children of our parish, our Children's Liturgy group, performed their Nativity Play.
During an excellent narration of the Christmas story by one of the adults, the children came and took up their positions in front of the altar. I should think many of the mothers in the congregation would have liked to have their own baby delivered in such a speedy, effortless manner - and complete with basket and clothing too when he arrived!
When all were in place they sang 'Away in a Manger' - accompanied by simple actions. I'm sure there was hardly a dry eye in the church! It is so moving to see them tell the story in the simple, innocent way that only children can.
Once again, very well done to all concerned.
It is also very noticeable that there is a marked increase in attendance on the Sunday following the beginning our Catechetical programme, which sadly is not repeated on the remaining Sundays in the month. I wonder how can we get the message across that it is not only that we should be there but also that we should want to be there?
The priest is asked to confirm that the child and his/her family are regular in their attendance at Mass and involved in parish activities.
I am of course delighted when parents opt to send their children to Catholic schools. It is right and fitting that they should do so.
If you are a committed, practising Catholic then I can see no difficulty in your child being accepted into a Catholic secondary school. I, like other parish priests in similar parishes, am of course fully aware of those in our parish who fulfill this requirement and I wish you all well in your efforts to secure a place in a suitable school for your child.
Pope Clement X proclaimed the feast a memorial celebration in the seventeenth century, but devotion goes back to the beginning of Christianity. God has allocated a Guardian Angel to each of us for our protection.
Sacred Scripture says this: 'Are they not all ministering spirits, sent for service, for the sake of those who shall inherit salvation'. (Heb 1:14)
St Michael, Archangel,
defend us in the hour of battle,
be our safeguard against the
wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray;
and do thou Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust down to hell Satan
and all the wicked spirits
who wander through the
world for the ruin of Souls.
Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael; pray for us.
From Gascony in France, St Vincent de Paul experienced an important moment in his life when hearing the confession of a dying servant. This had a profound effect on him and led him to realise the crying spiritual needs of the poor in France.
He later went on to found the Congregation of the Mission, or the Vincentians, devoted entirely to the people in smaller towns and villages; and subsequently the Daughters of Charity.
We are very fortunate in that we have a very active SVP group here at St Ann's. Our children at St Anne's School will also be familiar with St Vincent de Paul as one of the classes is named after him. Take a bow, St Vincent's Class and enjoy your feast day!
Tuesday: 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
Wednesday: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm
Thursday: 7.00 am to 8.00 pm