Friday, 1 August 2008

First Saturdays Devotion to Our Lady

A little while ago I posted an item on the First Fridays devotion. As tomorrow is the first Saturday in August I thought I'd write a few lines about First Saturdays. There are so many very good Catholic web sites that explain the devotion so well that I've taken a few lines from a couple of them:

'During her July apparition at Fatima, Our Lady said to Lucia, “I shall come to ask... that on the First Saturday of every month, Communions of reparation be made in atonement for the sins of the world.” '

Why Five Saturdays?

'Christians have always honoured the Blessed Virgin on Saturday because of her constant faith in Jesus on that first Holy Saturday before the Resurrection.

Five first Saturdays of reparation were requested to atone for the five ways in which people offend the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

1. Attacks upon Mary's Immaculate Conception

2. Attacks against her Perpetual Virginity

3. Attacks upon her Divine Maternity and the refusal to accept her as the Mother of all mankind

4. For those who try to publicly implant in children's hearts indifference, contempt and even
hatred of this Immaculate Mother

5. For those who insult her directly in her sacred images.'

If you would like to learn more about this devotion you will find an excellent explanation here.
Meanwhile, I do hope some of you may feel that you would like to begin practising this devotion and I look forward to seeing you at Mass tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr Miceal for this
wonderful insight into the
First Saturdays of Devotion
to Our Lady. I look forward
to Mass in Honour of Our
Blessed Mother.