Perhaps because we've had two couples renewing their Marriage Vows during the Mass recently, my eye was caught by a very good article in this week's Catholic Times. Written by Fr Francis Marsden of Liverpool Diocese, he gives a summary of the Ten Commandments for Spouses as described in a pastoral letter by Cardinal Ennio Antonelli of Florence sent out to all married couples in his Archdiocese last Easter.
I won't list them in great detail here but the first 'Commandment' begins, 'Let spouses see at the basis of their marriage a vocation from God Himself .... '
Fr Francis goes on to describe a similar 'Ten Commandments' offered by Rabbi Ephraim Buchenwald. They make interesting, helpful and, at times, amusing reading.
There are still a few copies of the Catholic Times left in the church porch if you would like to read the article in detail. I also have some photocopies of the article if anyone would like to have one.
Very interesting and of course all excellent advice but not always that easy to follow!
Interesting too how very similar the points were made by both the Catholic Priest and the Jewish Rabbi. We would probably have found similar advice being offered by other Faiths too, I imagine which suggests that these 'golden rules' are fairly universal.
Thank you for the copy of this Father that you kindly gave me. They are certainly one of those things that is good to keep and reread now and then to remind us of what we should be doing! It's so easy to get caught up on the merry-go-round of life that we forget the basic underlying vows that we took when we got married, also the parenting tips are an excellent reminder. Perhaps it would be a good thing to go in the Parish Magazine to reach a wider audience?
What a good idea to put this
'advice' into the Parish Mag.
I haven't seen it yet and like
you say Tracey it would reach
a wider audience!
Thank you for your suggestion regarding the magazine.
We have plenty of copies in the parish office for anyone who would like one. I think this is probably the best way to deal with lengthy newspaper articles.
That long hey?!!! Will arrange
to pick up a copy Fr Miceal,
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